We will resume in-person services on Sunday, June 28 at 10am. The safety of our church family is of utmost importance to us. To this end, we will use the next few weeks to ensure the following CDC recommended precautions will be in place:
- The church will be thoroughly cleaned and sanitized before and after each service
- There will be hand sanitizing stations throughout the building
- For an interim time, we will not be offering Reverb students, Shout! Kids, or nursery services. Those sections of the building will be closed. You are welcome to bring your children and have them sit and stay with you. Shout! meetings will still be available online for kids on Sunday nights.
- Only persons of the same family or household will be allowed to sit together.
- Service length will be shortened to minimize the need for restroom use.
- We will not be offering refreshments until we feel that we can serve them safely.
- A “safe zone” from the main door to the sanctuary will be partitioned off so that you may go straight to your seat with proper distancing. Socially distant fellowship will be available either outdoors, or in the lobby outside of the partitioned “safety” area.
- Seats will be reconfigured in the sanctuary to accommodate for social distancing.
- Masks will be required for our volunteers, and encouraged for everyone.
- For an interim time, offering plates will not be passed and bulletins will not be distributed. These services will continue to be available electronically.
- We will continue to discourage physical contact such as hugging, and hand-shaking until we feel it can be done safely.
- If you consider yourself at-risk, or have any symptoms of fever or sickness, please stay home and continue to watch online.
Please realize that everyone’s comfort level is going to be different. We must be respectful of one another’s cautions and freedoms. These are challenging and unprecedented times that must be navigated with the grace and unconditional love of God. We are so looking forward to being together again.
June 28
Liberty Church